+353 (0)49 4331274


Providing peace of mind

Life Insurance

Income Protection Insurance

Your Income is your most valuable asset and essential to your quality of life. How would you survive if your income supply was cut off or reduced due to ill health or injury?

Income Protection can help to safeguard current standard of living, and get you back on your feet by providing you with a monthly income, should you be unable to work for a period of time, due to illness or injury.

You can take out income protection if you are in full-time work or are self-employed and earn an income.

Cost depends on your age, income, health, occupation and the benefits you choose.
Payments on your plan are eligible for tax relief at your marginal rate.

Sample of Income Protection Claims

A 45-year-old Pilot, out of work since May 1999 with heart problems.
Benefit paid to date: €500,000.

A 50-year old Insurance Salesman, unable to work due to stress had his claim paid for 3 years, following which he took part in our Career Change Programme.
Just six months later he returned to the workforce in a management position with a charity organisation.

A 45-year old Carpenter, out of work from February 2005 to February 2006 with a fractured leg and ankle.

Benefit paid: €22,000.

A 29-year old Occupational Therapist, out of work since 2004 with a back and neck injury, returned to work part-time in January 2006. Fifty percent of the benefit continued to be paid until she returned full-time in April 2006.
Total benefit paid: €91,700.

 (Source: Friends First)

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